Articles on: Groups

ℹī¸ Vendor information

We keep this page updated with all of our business information, including our address, EIN #, and W-9.

Mailing & Remit Address

PO Box 19833
Seattle, WA 98109

Business Address

2716 3rd Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109

Contact info

Contact Name: Jeff Osborn

Contact Phone Number: (360) 926-0882 (Note: Due to capacity, we don't currently provide phone support)

Contact email:

Gimkit is a C-Corp, which means our legal name is Gimkit, Inc.

Your vendor registration process may require that you have our EIN or TIN number, which are the same thing.

Our EIN# is 83-0772884.

You can also find our legal structure and EIN# on our W-9, linked below.

Gimkit W-9

Find our W-9 here to get a copy of our W-9.


Our Dun & Bradstreet number is 107394839.


Our Commercial and Government Entity number is 9E8H3.

E-Verify #

Our E-verify number is 2107701.

Gimkit Sole Source Letter

Find a copy of our Sole Source Letter here. We don't the capacity to provide custom or notarized Sole Source Letters

NJ Business Certificate

Find a copy of our NJ Business Certificate here.

Cyber Insurance

Gimkit has Cyber Insurance up to $1M per claim. This is the only insurance Gimkit currently carries. Email us at for an insurance certificate in the name of your school or district or download a copy of our insurance certificate here.

Gimkit Systems Diagram

If you need a diagram or flowchart of how our system handles information and data, find it here.

Vendor Packets and DPAs

We have limited capacity here to review and submit vendor packets and DPAs, but we review and respond to all requests we receive.

Our lead-time on all contract, DPA, district registration, new vendor packets, and related paperwork is 3-6 weeks depending on the time of year.

Contracts, vendor registration forms, and other packets are easiest for us to turn around if they are provided as fillable PDFs with as much of our information pre-filled by you as possible. We typically return pre-filled vendor forms and packets that don't require additional contract or DPA review within 2 business days.

We don't ask and would never expect you to sign or fill-out paperwork with personal company information on our behalf. However, you can save time if you're able to pre-fill our publicly available company information.

There are some DPAs we may need additional time to review or may have follow-up questions about. In these cases, expect a longer lead-times. We'll always communicate with you if there will be a longer wait than expected.

If you have a vendor packet, contract, or DPA you'd like us to review and complete, please email it to us at We'll let you know once we've received it and give you an estimate of when you can expect to hear back with a review and response.

RFPs and Bids

We don't currently have the capacity to submit RFPs or Bids in most cases. We do make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Feel free to email us at if you have an RFP or Bid process you'd like us to take a look at.

More questions?

Email us any time at! We respond to all support emails within two business days.

Updated on: 21/08/2024

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