Pay For Me Link
Pay For Me Link
Your account has a unique Pay For Me Link that makes it easy for someone else to pay for your Gimkit Pro upgrade. Here's how to use it:
From your dashboard, click “Upgrade” from the upper right-hand corner or "Learn more" in the red banner at the bottom of your screen.

Click “Pay For Me Link" below the "Upgrade to Pro" button.

Click "Copy link."

Share your Pay For Me Link with the person purchasing your annual Pro upgrade. They'll see a screen that looks like this:

The person paying for you will click "Purchase Gimkit Pro for [Your Name}" and follow the checkout steps to complete credit card payment.
Once they're done, you'll receive an e-mail letting you know your account has been upgraded to Gimkit Pro.
You're all set! Your account now has Gimkit Pro for one year! Just log out and back in or go to Settings > Plan & Billing to access Pro on your account.
Frequent questions
Will Pay For Me purchases auto-renew?
Gimkit Pro upgrades purchased using Pay For Me links expire automatically after one year from the purchase date. You'll need to repeat this process again next year.
Can my school pay for me with a purchase order
We currently only accept credit cards for individual Pro upgrades and subscriptions. If your school or district has several teachers using Gimkit, check out Gimkit Groups, which offers two license levels to cover teachers at a discount. Group licenses can be purchased with a credit card or PO + check.
What if the person who paid needs a receipt?
We include a receipt link in the email we send you once the purchase is completed. You can forward it to the person who paid for you if they didn't get a copy when they paid. Also, you can find all of the receipts for purchases made on your account under settings > plan & billing.
Where do I find my Pay For Me Link while my account is on Pro?
You can only access your Pay For Me Link when your account is on Gimkit Basic. If your school wants to pay for you when your current paid period ends, you'll want to cancel your subscription. Canceling in this way sets your subscription to expire. Once it does, you'll be on Basic and can then access your Pay For Me Link.
Is there any way to have someone else pay for a monthly Pro subscription?
Pay For Me links are currently only available for annual Pro upgrades.
Updated on: 21/04/2022
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