Articles on: Assignments

Complete an assignment

There are two ways for students to complete an Assignment in Gimkit:

Reach the target cash goal
Reach the target question goal (optional)

Cash and question goals are set up for each assignment when an assignment is created after the kit and mode are selected. They cannot be changed later.

Assignment options

If an assignment has both a cash and question goal, the assignment will complete after one is completed. Whichever goal is hit first will end the assignment.

Students will know they've completed an assignment when they see an "Assignment Complete" message followed by a screen showing their results:

Assignment complete message

Assignment results

If a student doesn't see the above message and results screen, they haven't completed the assignment yet.

Once a student reaches the assignment completion screen, they can review their results by scrolling down.

After a student completes an assignment, they'll show up in the results section for the assignment and on the report for the assignment. If the assignment is connected to a class or classes, students who started but didn't finish, students who haven't started, and students who have completed the assignment show up on the results page.

Assignment results

Learn more about results for assignments here under the assignment on the teacher's side.

Updated on: 17/11/2022

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