Articles on: Kits

✨ Import flashcard sets

We're proud to allow full export of all Kits made on Gimkit. Along with that, we're excited to save you time by allowing you to import a Flashcard sets into Gimkit.

You can copy and paste any term and definition separated by a "Tab" into our import text box.

You can also export Flashcard sets from third-party sites that offer an export feature:

Find the set you want to export on a third party Flashcard site
Find the "Export" button or more options menu (often indicated by three dots) and hover over it or click
Click "Export"
Click "Copy Text"
Head back over to the Gimkit import screen
Paste the text you copied into our screen

You should be good to go from there!

We have no association with any of these third-party sites, but we're proud to give you the ability to import educational content into Gimkit.

Updated on: 17/11/2022

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