🗝 Create an account
You need a Gimkit account to create kits and host Gimkit games. It's 100% free to create and own a Gimkit account.
You'll need an account to access and use Gimkit as an Educator. Student accounts are optional.
Visit https://www.gimkit.com/signup and continue with Google or with email to create an account.

Select whether you're an Educator or a Student and enter follow the steps to complete account set up.

When you sign up for a Gimkit account, you'll get quick tour and instant access to creating and managing kits, hosting games, and more.
All new accounts start with a 14-day free trial of Gimkit Pro.
Note: Gimkit Pro is an optional paid add-on for Gimkit Educator accounts. It does not cost anything to open and maintain a Gimkit account.
You'll need an account to access and use Gimkit as an Educator. Student accounts are optional.
Visit https://www.gimkit.com/signup and continue with Google or with email to create an account.

Select whether you're an Educator or a Student and enter follow the steps to complete account set up.

When you sign up for a Gimkit account, you'll get quick tour and instant access to creating and managing kits, hosting games, and more.
All new accounts start with a 14-day free trial of Gimkit Pro.
Note: Gimkit Pro is an optional paid add-on for Gimkit Educator accounts. It does not cost anything to open and maintain a Gimkit account.
Updated on: 21/04/2023
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